Selected industries, where we are involved
Automotive | Transport | Energetics and heat distribution systems| Metallurgy
Chemistry and Petrochemistry | Gas Industry | Food Industry | Glass Industry
Constructions| Mechanical Engineering | Mining | Water | Plastics
Healthcare | Agriculture
Selected References
Continuous oil monitoring system for wastewater treatment plantBVS Continuous monitoring of potential oil substances with innovative technology of non-contact ROW detectors in the inlet trough and in the sewage collectors for maximum protection of the central wastewater treatment plant. SMS notification of oil spills. Solar panel power source. Turnkey delivery and installation. |
Upgrade of the EGT chemical regime control systemPower Plant Mělník I Construction of a fully equipped central sample room for chemical measurements (conductivity, pH, oxygen, silicon and ammonia) on steam and water in the intermediate plant. Structural modifications to the analyzing room and substation, including fire safety design, new waste, HVAC and EPS. |
Selected references in food industry
Temperature sensors and transmitters (Madeta) Milk tank level measurement with hydro-static sensors Měření hladiny v tanku na mléko hydrostatickými snímači Temperature measurement in sugar processing, Level measurement during batching in a bottling plant (Svijany Brewery) Tank level measurement with vibration switches and rope radars (Fabio produkt) |
Research Centre Řež
Installation and recovery of ETL II control line: supply of control system, complete measurement of temperature, pressure, flow and weighing systems including power and signal cabling. Actuators, switchgear and central control station were also an integral part. |
Transpetrol a.s.Oil transportation and storage security: 3x LDI, supplied ProCS including installation. To prevent oil leakage into the wastewater treatment plant, an LDI detector located above the storm drain tank was used.
Zvolenská teplárenská a.s.Complete measurement of temperature, pressure, level, flow. Accessories and panels for sample conditioning and analysis for hot water boilers HK3 and HK4 and steam boilers PK1 and PK2.
Bučina Zvolen, a.s.Supply of panels for sample conditioning and analysis system including recovery, commissioning and operator training for boilers K3 and K4. |
Tepláreň Košice, a. s.Complete measurement of temperature, pressure, level, flow, water and steam analysis, accessories and HVAC measurements for CHP units KGJ1 to KGJ4.
Třinecké železárny, a. s.Supply of temperature sensors including transmitters, displays and speed probes for the reconstruction of blast furnace VP6. |
Opatovice 698 MWOpatovice Power Plant
Monitoring of chemical system for boilers K2, K3, K5 and K6. Complete design, supply and installation of a chemical analysis system for water and steam including connection to the control system. |
ASV 6 Asnæs 25 MWValmet Automation Design and supply of field instrumentation, electrical and cabling, heat fiscal metering for the machine room of a new power plant.
U. S. Steel KošiceU. S. Steel Supply of a steam and water analysis system for the new K7 boiler, including supervision during installation and commissioning.
E.On Maasvlakte RotterdamCMI Groupe Supply of a fully equipped container for chemical analysis of water and steam for the 1100 MW backup boiler of a power plant. |
Počerady 880 MWIC Energo / ČEZ Design, supply, installation of chemical analysis of water and steam, supply of field instrumentation (especially temperature measurement) for new PPC source. |
Prunéřov II 3× 250 MWSiemens Design, supply, installation of chemical analysis of water and steam, supply of field instrumentation, especially temperature measurement, flow measurement - supply of orifices and nozzles for complete reconstruction of units C, D and E. |